I know. I went on a rather extended and widely unexpected hiatus. I apologize to all... Oh? Eight people following me... Well, that's a little upsetting... I won't make excuses. There really isn't much to say. My laptop fried, and I've been pretty busy with doing stuff in a more pen-and-paper fashion ever since.
Now that all of that is over with, let me weigh in on the SOPA/PIPA/ACTA debacle, because I am nothing if not incredibly trite and boring about these things. Also, this will be my last blog post for some time. Yes, yes, I know. I came back from a hiatus to announce that I am going on hiatus. Sue me. You'll get $0.58 and a lovely collection of used books out of the affair.
As an independent writer, who distributes a small amount of content on the internet, SOPA and PIPA should, in theory, protect me. In theory, I should support it. You know what else happens in theory? In theory, gravity shouldn't work. In theory, laws should make sense. In theory, the American government body should bend to the will of the people. I choose reality over theory. In short, I do not support SOPA. I oppose PIPA. I believe that ACTA is an abomination. I am glad that the former on that list has been "postponed indefinitely" and I feel like it should never have been created in the first place. I support Anonymous. Let me type that again, in caps lock, just so that it is perfectly clear. I. SUPPORT. ANONYMOUS. Why? Let me explain as best I can.
Anon has not drawn a line in the sand. Anon outright is the line, and woebetide anyone who tries to cross them. They have fought injustice and oppression in small part and in large, and they have not wavered in their mission. As a free-flowing, borderline anarchist collective, they cannot be bribed. They cannot be intimidated. They are the perfect defenders of freedom of expression. I know that some of you who have read this blog in the past have had your differences with me, but I feel that most (if not all) of you can agree: they do good work. I know that I'm not the most important person on the planet, but if I can convince just one person to take up arms if it comes down to a revolution; if only one person chooses, in the long run, to side with Anon, I will consider myself to have done something of value. Some might think that it's an overreaction to predict a physical conflict to break out over something as "trivial" as the Internet, but I urge those individuals to take a longer look at the ramifications and the current social climate. The Occupy movements have generated a widely-felt atmosphere of unrest. Some of us are absolutely itching for a revolution. Some of us, as sick as it may sound, want and even need this to happen. A revolution is inevitable. America has become the next Babylon, and unless corporate greed is overthrown from within, the proverbial shit will hit the proverbial fan. I hope that I'm just being paranoid, but if this is the beginning of a war, I know which side I'm a part of. I leave you with this, dear reader.
Best of luck.
This is Rosenbloom.
Signing out.