Chaos is one of the driving themes of The Graceless. The chaos of life, of death, and of change are all represented in the characters of Mike and Danielle. I'm pleased to say that they will both be making a comeback in The Forgotten, though one will carry more weight with his or her appearance than the other, their work as agents of change is far from over. For those of you who have yet to read The Graceless, I'll spare the spoilers, but say this: In the world of the Chainsmoker's Trilogy, very little is exactly what it seems.
Danielle, for example, brings with her everywhere she goes, the promise of change, but almost always through violent upheaval. It's not really her fault, and she's rarely aware of it, but serendipity disguised as misfortune seems to be a great friend of hers. Mike on the other hand... Well... He's much more complicated than some of my readers have given him credit for. I sometimes wonder how the story would have gone without the presence of either of these characters, and then I realize it would never have been the same without them. They're essential to The Graceless, and one of them is equally important in the pages of The Forgotten, if not more so.
At any rate, the novel is coming along quite nicely, and it is looking as though The Forgotten will meet its Spring 2011 deadline. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted as the story goes on, without ruining any of the details. After all, it's no fun if I suddenly reveal that Jack was an alien, Ryan is a werewolf, and Amy can summon up columns of fire with her mind. Because she's a wizard.
This is Rosenbloom, signing off.
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